Challenging local realism with human randomness
The Big Bell Test Collaboration.
Multidimensional Quantum Entanglement with Large-scale Integrated Optics
Jianwei Wang, Stefano Paesani, Yunhong Ding, Raffaele Santagati, Paul Skrzypczyk, Alexia Salavrakos, Jordi Tura, Remigiusz Augusiak, Laura Mančinska, Davide Bacco, Damien Bonneau, Josh W. Silverstone, Qihuang Gong, Antonio Acín, Karsten Rottwitt, Leif Katsuo, Jeremy L. O'Brien, Anthony Laing and Mark G. Thompson.
Detecting nonlocality in many-body quantum states
Jordi Tura, Remigiusz Augusiak, Ana Belén Sainz, Tamás Vértesi, Maciej Lewenstein and Antonio Acín.
Reports on Progress in Physics
Nonlocality in many-body systems
Jordi Tura and Remigiusz Augusiak.
Phys. Rev. X
Energy as a detector of nonlocality of many-body spin systems
Jordi Tura, Gemma de las Cuevas, Remigiusz Augusiak, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonio Acín and Juan Ignacio Cirac.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Scalable Bell inequalities for qubit graph states and robust self-testing
Flavio Baccari, Remigiusz Augusiak, Ivan Šupic, Jordi Tura and Antonio Acín.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Device-Independent Witnesses of Entanglement Depth from two-body correlators
Albert Aloy, Jordi Tura, Flavio Baccari, Antonio Acín, Maciej Lewenstein and Remigiusz Augusiak.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Detecting Bell Correlations in Multipartite Non-Gaussian Spin States
Jiajie Guo, Jordi Tura, Qiongyi He and Matteo Fadel.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Bounding the set of classical correlations of a many-body system
Matteo Fadel and Jordi Tura.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Bell Inequalities Tailored to Maximally Entangled States
Alexia Salavrakos, Remigiusz Augusiak, Jordi Tura, Peter Wittek, Antonio Acín and Stefano Pironio.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Entanglement and nonlocality are inequivalent for any number of particles
Remigiusz Augusiak, Maciej Demianowicz, Jordi Tura and Antonio Acín.
PRX Quantum
Adiabatic Spectroscopy and a Variational Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm
Benjamin F. Schiffer, Jordi Tura and Juan Ignacio Cirac.
Entangled symmetric states and copositive matrices
Carlo Marconi, Albert Aloy, Jordi Tura and Anna Sanpera.
Robust self-testing of Pauli observables and its applications in device-independent certification of all two-qubit entangled states
Shin-Liang Chen, Huan-Yu Ku, Wenbin Zhou, Jordi Tura and Yueh-Nah Chen.
Virtual mitigation of coherent non-adiabatic transitions by echo verification
Benjamin F. Schiffer, Dyon van Vreumingen, Jordi Tura and Stefano Polla.
Maximal nonlocality from maximal entanglement and mutually unbiased bases, and self-testing of two-qutrit quantum systems
Jędrzej Kaniewski, Ivan Šupic, Jordi Tura, Flavio Baccari, Alexia Salavrakos and Remigiusz Augusiak.
Bell correlations at finite temperature
Matteo Fadel and Jordi Tura.
Separability of diagonal symmetric states: a quadratic conic optimization problem
Jordi Tura, Albert Aloy, Rubén Quesada, Maciej Lewenstein and Anna Sanpera.
Phys. Rev. Research
Certificates of quantum many-body properties assisted by machine learning
Borja Requena, Gorka Muñoz, Maciej Lewenstein, Vedran Dunjko and Jordi Tura.
New Journal of Physics
Bell inequalities tailored to the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states of arbitrary local dimension
Remigiusz Augusiak, Alexia Salavrakos, Jordi Tura and Antonio Acín.
New Journal of Physics
The quantum marginal problem for symmetric states: applications to variational optimization, nonlocality and self-testing
Albert Aloy, Matteo Fadel and Jordi Tura.
Phys. Rev. Research
Preparation and verification of tensor network states
Esther Cruz, Flavio Baccari, Jordi Tura, Norbert Schuch and Juan Ignacio Cirac.
Ann. Phys.
Nonlocality in many-body quantum systems detected with two-body correlators
Jordi Tura, Remigiusz Augusiak, Ana Belén Sainz, Bernd Lücke, Carsten Klempt, Maciej Lewenstein and Antonio Acín.
Phys. Rev. A
Entangled symmetric states of N qubits with all positive partial transpositions
Remigiusz Augusiak, Jordi Tura, Jan Samsonowicz and Maciej Lewenstein.
Phys. Rev. A
Four-qubit entangled symmetric states with positive partial transpositions
Jordi Tura, Remigiusz Augusiak, Philipp Hyllus, Marek Kuś, Jan Samsonowicz and Maciej Lewenstein.
Phys. Rev. A
Elemental and tight monogamy relations in nonsignaling theories
Remigiusz Augusiak, Maciej Demianowicz, Marcin Pawłowski, Jordi Tura and Antonio Acín.
Phys. Rev. A
Constructions of genuinely entangled multipartite states with applications to LHS and LHV models
Remigiusz Augusiak, Maciej Demianowicz and Jordi Tura.
Phys. Rev. A
Optimization of device-independent witnesses of entanglement depth from two-body correlators
Jordi Tura, Albert Aloy, Flavio Baccari, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonio Acín and Remigiusz Augusiak.
Phys. Rev. A
Bell correlation depth in many-body systems
Flavio Baccari, Jordi Tura, Matteo Fadel, Albert Aloy, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Nicolas Sangouard, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonio Acín and Remigiusz Augusiak.
Phys. Rev. A
Shallow quantum circuits for deeper problems
Adrián Pérez-Salinas, Radoica Draškić, Jordi Tura and Vedran Dunjko.
Phys. Rev. A
Bounding the fidelity of quantum many-body states from partial information
Matteo Fadel, Albert Aloy and Jordi Tura.
Topologically-induced Bell's nonlocality
Patrick Emonts, Albert Aloy, Mengyao Hu, Maciej Lewenstein and Jordi Tura.
Phys. Rev. E
Most energetic passive states
Martí Perarnau, Karen Hovhannisyan, Marcus Huber, Paul Skrzypczyk, Jordi Tura and Antonio Acín.
J.Phys. A: Math. Theor.
Translationally invariant multipartite Bell inequalities involving only two-body correlators
Jordi Tura, Ana Belén Sainz, Tamás Vértesi, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonio Acín and Remigiusz Augusiak.
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
Checking the optimality of entanglement witnesses: an application to structural physical approximations
Remigiusz Augusiak, Joonwoo Bae, Jordi Tura and Maciej Lewenstein.
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
A note on the optimality of decomposable entanglement witnesses and completely entangled subspaces
Remigiusz Augusiak, Jordi Tura and Maciej Lewenstein.
J. Math. Phys. 60
Unextendible product operator basis
Mengyao Hu, Lin Chen, Fei Shi, Xiande Zhang and Jordi Tura.
Eur. Phys. J. D
J. Math. Phys.
Faster ground state preparation and high-precision ground energy estimation with fewer qubits
Yimin Ge, Jordi Tura and Juan Ignacio Cirac.
Open Systems and Information Dynamics
Linear Maps as Sufficient Criteria for Entanglement Depth and Compatibility in Many-Body Systems
Maciej Lewenstein, Guillem Müller-Rigat, Jordi Tura and Anna Sanpera.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Quantum algorithms for near-term devices
Jordi Tura.
Proceedings of the International School of Physics
Entanglement and Nonlocality in Many-Body Systems: a primer
Jordi Tura, Ana Belén Sainz, Tobias Graß, Antonio Acín, Maciej Lewenstein and Remigiusz Augusiak.
Phys. Rev. A
Parameter shift rule with optimal phase selection
Liubov Markovich, Savvas Malikis, Stefano Polla and Jordi Tura.
Expressivity of parameterized quantum circuits for generative modeling of continuous multivariate distributions
Alice Barthe, Michele Grossi, Sofia Vallecorsa, Jordi Tura and Vedran Dunjko.
Parametrized Quantum Circuits and their approximation capacities in the context of quantum machine learning
Alberto Pedro Manzano-Herrero, David S. Dechant, Jordi Tura and Vedran Dunjko.
Quantum Computing for High-Energy Physics State of the Art and Challenges Summary of the QC4HEP Working Group
The QC4HEP Working Group.
All this for one qubit? Bounds on local divide and quantum schemes
Simon C. Marshall, Jordi Tura and Vedran Dunjko.
Bloch Sphere Binary Trees: A method for the visualization of sets of multi-qubit systems pure states
Alice Barthe, Michele Grossi, Jordi Tura and Vedran Dunjko.
Quantum eigenstate broadcasting assisted by a coherent link
Benjamin F. Schiffer and Jordi Tura.
Weight-agnostic NN
Dmitry Oriekhov, Patrick Emonts, Kshiti Sneh Rai and Jordi Tura.
Bell nonlocality in HEP
Patrick Emonts, Vincent Croft and Jordi Tura.
MaxMaxMax from experimental data
Eloïc Vallée, Jordi Tura, Remigiusz Augusiak, Stefano Paesani and Jianwei Wang.
Entanglement and Bell correlations from chaotic dynamics
Jiri Minar, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Jonas Helsen and Jordi Tura.
Density Functional Theory for many-body physics/chemistry problems using Deep Learning on NISQ era data
Stefano Polla, Felix Frohnert, Eric Prehn, Emiel Koridon, Jordi Tura and Evert van Nieuwenburg.
Machine learning and nonlocal games
Jan Li, Jordi Tura and Evert van Nieuwenburg.
Tropical contraction of tensor networks as a Bell inequality optimization toolset
Mengyao Hu and Jordi Tura.
Bell inequalities and spin-nematic squeezing
Albert Aloy, Matteo Fadel, Maciej Lewenstein and Jordi Tura.
Nature Computational Science
News and Views on Efficient parallelization of tensor network contraction for simulating quantum computation
Jordi Tura.
Viewpoint on What limits the simulation of quantum computers?
Jordi Tura.
Tsirelson's bounds for PPT states
Jordi Tura, Albert Aloy, Viktoria Kabel, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonio Acín and Remigiusz Augusiak.
Taming all symmetric Bell inequalities
Jordi Tura, Matteo Fadel, Albert Aloy and Remigiusz Augusiak.
Quantum aspects of RBM states
Flavio Baccari, Jordi Tura and Juan Ignacio Cirac.
Quantum heuristics for near-term devices
Jordi Tura, Leo Zhou, Benjamin F. Schiffer, Sheng-Tao Wang, Mikhail Lukin and Juan Ignacio Cirac.
Bell correlations in oversqueezed quantum states
Matteo Fadel, Manuel Gessner and Jordi Tura.
Spin mode entanglement in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Eye-witnessing entanglement
Alejandro González, Martí Perarnau and Jordi Tura.
Bell correlations in 2D lattices and via chordal extensions
Flavio Baccari, Jordi Tura, Peter Wittek and Antonio Acín.
Certificates of entanglement in many-body systems based on energy
Jordi Tura, Albert Aloy, Flavio Baccari, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonio Acín and Remigiusz Augusiak.
Local orthogonality and Witnesses
Remigiusz Augusiak, Ana Belén Sainz, Jordi Tura and Marek Kuś.
Device-Independent Entanglement Witnesses tailored to Neural Quantum States
Jordi Tura, Johannes Knörzer and Patrick Emonts.
The symmetric holographic entropy cone
Matteo Fadel, Jordi Tura and Michael Walter.
I have acted as independent referee for the following journals:
I have acted/been offered to act as independent referee/external expert for the following funding agencies:
I have been a reviewer/part of the program committee for the following conferences:
Springer Theses
J. Tura
UPC OpenCourseWare
Linear Algebra. Commented exercises and problems (in Catalan)
J. Martí, P. D. Prieto, and Jordi Tura
Ph.D. Thesis
Characterizing entanglement and quantum correlations constrained by symmetry

Thesis Committee: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Gisin (President), Prof. Dr. Ignacio Cirac (Member), Prof. Dr. Darrick Chang (Secretary), Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter (Substitute Member) and Prof. Dr. Hugues de Riedmatten (Substitute Member).


UPC OpenCourseWareUPC OpenCourseWare
Mathematical and Technological Aspects of Quantum Information Processing

Master Thesis Committee: Prof. Dr. Jordi Quer (President), Prof. Dr. Sebastià Xambó (Secretary) and Dr. Juanjo Rué (Member).


Telecommunication Thesis Committee: Dr. Javier Villares (President), Prof. Dr. Josep Fàbrega (Member) and Prof. Dr. Juan P. Torres (Secretary).


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ResearcherID: AAA-2816-2020


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6123-1422

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Scopus Author profile

Scopus Author ID: 37125328100

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Semantic Scholar profile

Semantic Scholar ID: 102602824


DBLP ID: 259/8256

Aren't there too many of these things?